Fine Art Giclee
Photographic Prints

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This bear, at Anan Creek, had a sad look on its face as if it was remorseful to have to eat the salmon. We were able to witness many bears eating unbelievable amounts of salmon, but this bear just had a unique look that I was glad to capture.
As we went by this iceberg near LaConte Bay I was taken by its different shapes and colors.
This bald eagle was flying up and down the river in search of food. I was able to capture the eagle in all it’s beauty by keeping the background out of focus to highlight the eagle.
Alaska 2014 Fine Art Photography Gallery

This past August I spent 10 days on a small, fifty-one foot boat with six other passengers and three crew in Southeast Alaska. Every day was a different adventure! Starting out from the small town of Hoonah we headed south into Frederick Sound. The second day out we were lucky enough to witness Humpbacks bubble net feeding for about 90 minutes. An amazing display of natures' evolutionary behaviors. The next day was spent with Grizzly bears at the Pack Creek reserve. Between a mother and cub bear play fighting and catching salmon and another bear just playfully running up and down the stream for hours, it was another display of Mother Nature at her best.

Another day and and we were on a jet boat up the Stikine River, a 400 mile long river that goes far into Northern Canada. Due to a significant build-up of icebergs blocking the river, we were not able to travel very far up river. However, we were greeted by some amazing fog and surreal light. The following day we traveled to the LeConte Glacier. Located on the LaConte Bay this glacier has lost hundreds of yards of ice over the past few years. At the the base of the glacier, it was calving every few minutes. One large group of calvings created a large swell that flipped over a sizeable iceberg right next to our boat. Fortunately, the boat captain saw this happening and with lightning quick speed he turned our boat and got us out of there before it capsized our boat. Scary!!! Just another day in Alaska, I guess!

Our next destination was Anan Creek to view Black bears - another amazing adventure. Perched on an observation deck about 15 feet above the creek we watched the bears feast on salmon. Then a bear decides that he wants to take over the dominance at this fishing hole from another bear that has been controlling the area. After a brief encounter, where the new dominant bear made it clear that he would hurt the other one if he didn't cooperate, the former dominant male backed off and gave up his tenure. It was a blast capturing the whole confrontation on film (or should I say in pixels).

Also called Lunge Feeding, one Humpback whale will dive beneath a school of herring and blow a helix of bubbles which confuses and contains the fish. Multiple whales then come up in the center and feast on the herring in an amazing display of cooperative feeding.
On a dock in Wrangell waiting for the sunset, I noticed in the distance that the fog was constantly changing; growing and shrinking and putting out fingers that would roll over the land creating a constantly changing landscape.
On this overcast day I saw the water had lost its color. A black and white photograph in full color!
These four gulls were flying by our boat and created a real challenge to capture them and the water in focus.
The Bonaparte Gulls would dive into the water, sometimes from the air, sometimes while floating and come up with salmon roe in their beaks. I found the patterns of water when they came up intriguing.
The Stikine river was socked in by fog and filled with icebergs - so much so that we could go no further. The fog kept changing, sometimes so thick we could barely see more than 10 feet in front of us. The iceberg in the foreground made a very surreal scene with the hazy ridge behind.
This grizzly kept running up and down Pack Creek in a very playful mood almost seeming more interested in splashing about rather than catching lunch.
At LaConte Bay the icebergs had an amazing amount of variety. This one had accumulated multiple pieces of white ice sitting on top of the blue iceberg.
There were periods of quiet while out on Frederick Sound. I took to capturing the reflections in the water which were constantly changing.
In LaConte Bay by the LaConte Glacier this iceberg, which was probably about 4 feet high and about 15 feet long, had the bluest ice of any iceberg there. It appears that there were water bubbles trapped in it when it was freezing causing amazing texture and color.
This mother and cub at Pack Creek were playing for about 3 or 4 minutes. The mother clearly put the cub in its place when it was playing too rough.
At one point these eight orcas were in a line as they were swimming through Frederick Sound. Fortunately, for the sea lions, there were none around.
In the town of Petersberg, Alaska many of the homes had small see-through umbrellas over their planter boxes on their lawns. It had just rained and I was able to capture the mood of the moment.
In LaConte Bay near the LeConte Glacier one of the icebergs stood out because of its sawtooth pattern. By shooting it in front of a glacier carved valley, I felt it created an interesting linkage between foreground and background.
This bald eagle at Pack Creek was posing for us on a log about 10 feet away. I felt that shooting it unobstructed was somewhat boring, so I found a tree branch to shot through and it added whole new dimension.
The Stikine is a 400 mile long river that goes from Alaska into British Columbia has some sections on it that John Muir compared to Yosemite Valley. Unfortunately, due to the proliferation of icebergs we were not able to travel very far up the river. However, we were greeted with constantly changing fog which made for some otherworldly scenes.
The black bear on the right decided that he was ready to become the dominant bear at this fishing spot on Anan Creek. He let the other bear know that he didn’t want to hurt him, but made clear who was in charge now.
The water around the boat was constantly changing. At this moment it was reflecting the sky and clouds, making mesmerizing patterns to get lost in.
I was surprised to see so many waterfalls flowing into the Stikine from this one ridge. It just added another dimension to an already surreal scene.
While shooting water abstracts in between wildlife activity, I was able to capture an amazing image that shows the evolution of a small wave on the Frederick Sound to a different pattern.
In LaConte Bay there were 100 to 200 sea lions swimming around or hanging out on icebergs. Often times, the way they would pop up out of nowhere reminded many on board of the old arcade game "whack a mole".